Cap10 Elite

$25 per month

What's Included:

Everything in Standard, plus:

Access to Exclusive/Confidential Investment Opportunities that our Sponsor’s Request remain limited.

Access to Co-GP Investment Opportunities and other premium return situtations.

Limited opportunity to invest in Cap10 at a discount.  We are setting aside up to 10% of Cap10 shares and will offer them to Elite Members at a discount in a future funding round.

Why join Elite?  Check out our blog post:  Why you should become an Elite Member.  

Cap10 Standard

$0 per month

What's Included:

No Credit Card Required

See all standard LP Investment Opportunities

Investment opportunities come with Cap10’s vetting and research so your review can be more complete and take less time.

Deal Sponsors are fully vetted with background checks prior to presenting deals to the network

Access to Cap10 research and education on CRE Investing.

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