Deal Sponsors - Show us Opportunities.

Cap10 is the only accredited investor network without success fees.  Why do we do this?  We want deal sponsors to bring us all of their deals, not just the deals they are struggling to raise capital for.  Our investor network pays us a subscription fee so that we can find and evaluate sponsors and put their best deals on the cap10 platform.  But our network is nothing without you.

This does not mean that we are easy on deal sponsors.  We promise our investors that we will reject far more deals than we will accept.  We do a deep dive into the background of each sponsor on the platform and we run deep back ground checks on each key principal.  We ask a ton of questions and expect that you help us create a strong package for our network.

It is a lot of work to get a deal on the platfom, but it might be worth it.  We can help you accelerate your next capital raise, but we really hope to accelerate all of your capital raises going forward.  Find our typical deal profile below.


Typical Deal Profile

Property Types

All Major and Minor Property Types Considered.




Experienced Sponsors. We will consider emerging managers to the extent they can demonstrate a track record with another strong sponsor.

Capital Position

LP Equity or Co-GP Equity

Deal Size

Total Deal Size between $2 - $40 million

Equity Component

Typically $2 - 15 million; May Consider larger Transactions.

Minimum Investment

Our investors are high net worth individuals and small/medium family offices. Check size varies, but we recommend setting a minimum investment between $50k - $250k.

Investment Horizon

3-10 years; Shorter or longer considered on its merits.

Raise Type

You must be raising under 506(c). That means the deal must be exclusive to verified accredited investors.

Success Fee


Investor Fee Reimbursement

For any investor that makes a minimum investment of $50,000, you must reimburse their annual subscription fee to Cap10 ($300).

Gross IRR

We are open to presenting a variety of scenarios to our network, however, most of our investors are targetting a gross IRR of 18%+.

Sponsor Commitment

We expect our sponsors to have a material commitment to each deal. This typically means 5-10% of the equity, however we are open to Co-GP or other scenarios to help fill a gap, especially for strong emergy sponsors.

Sponsor Fees / promote

We are very cognizant of how sponsor fees impact investor returns. We may consult with you on how our investors will perceive your fee / promote package. Strong deals and strong sponsors may demand a better structure.

Are you looking for LP or Co-GP Equity for your next project?

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